Shadows Over Loathing

Somehow, I missed this game was being released. It is a sequel to West of Loathing which is an absolutely amazing and hilarious game.

Shadows Over Loathing was released on November 11th for PC. I am hoping for a Switch release. I really want to play this.

Legend of Mana Remaster

Legend of Mana was originally released in 1999 on the Playstation. June 24th a remaster of the game will be released on Switch, PS4, and PC. Some changes include the ability to turn off enemy encounters, and save anywhere/autosave feature.

I didn’t have the chance to play the original release, but I am looking forward to this remaster.

Recent Buys

west of loathing

West of Loathing is a comedy adventure RPG. Developed by Asymmetric Publications, who made Kingdom of Loathing which is a browser RPG.

I have wanted this game since I watched Markiplier’s Let’s Play of it. The game and it’s DLC were recently on sale on the Nintendo eshop. 

I found this game while searching for horror games on the Switch. I’ve heard good things about this game. And it came with a few cool postcards.

What games have you bought recently?

Revisiting Final Fantasy IX

The first RPG I played was Pokemon Yellow. I was around 10 at the time. Years following, I continued to play Pokemon and eventually discovered Kingdom Hearts.

The first two Kingdom Hearts game had Final Fantasy characters along with Disney characters.

Vivi, Squall, Cloud, Tifa, Cid, and other Final Fantasy characters have appeared in the Kingdom Hearts series.

I hadn’t played any Final Fantasy games before. I was curious and wanted to give them a try. I went on Amazon to look for the games. This was in 2006 so by then the series was up to number XII and also had spin-offs such as Crystal Chronicles.

After looking through all the games, I decided on Final Fantasy IX. I ordered it and patiently waited for it to arrive in the mail.

I believe it took about a week and I began playing it as soon as it arrived. I was sucked into this beautiful medieval world of airships and many different races. Cute creatures called Chocobos and Moogles.

It probably took me about a month to beat. I looked forward to playing it every day. And it has been a game that’s stayed with me. The story; the characters. I love it dearly. I still own my original PS1 copy.

Last year, I bought a Nintendo Switch. I was looking at the Eshop and discovered Final Fantasy IX was on there. Even though I still have my copy, I had to get it.

When I was able, I bought it and have recently revisited it. It has been 14 years since I played Final Fantasy IX the first time. And on my replay, I was surprised at how much I remembered the game. It was so familiar. Stepping back into such a wonderful world was a real comfort.

It’s still a beautiful game. The Switch port has gameplay and graphic enhancements. It also has boosters such as high speed and no encounters. I feel these make an already wonderful game even better.

The story and the characters still touch me the same as they did 14 years ago. I got teary-eyed at the ending just the same as 14 years prior. It’s a beautiful game with characters that I love.

Final Fantasy IX is one of my all-time favorite games. It has a memorable story and characters that were, for me, very relatable. Especially Garnet.

I realize nowadays, Final Fantasy IX is a very cherished game. I’m told it seems to be everyone’s favorite. It is very surprising to me because when I was originally played this, the game was often made fun of and called childish. I definitely dealt with some hate back then because I love this game. I’m having a hard time believing how loved this game is now considering how much it was hated back then.

The love for it is nice to see though. I think it is an amazing game.

Revisiting Final Fantasy IX was quite an experience. I’m older now and I’ve changed a lot in 14 years. But this game still resonates with me so much. It will forever be a favorite and I will forever praise this wonderful game.

It also has a beautiful theme song, which I will leave you all with.

Review: Vampyr

Vampyr is a horror action-RPG. The game is set in 2018 during the Spanish flu and the player takes control of Jonathan Reid, who is a Doctor, and has now awakened as a vampire.

Dr. Reid is torn between his oath as a Doctor and his new bloodthirsty nature. Although you are a vampire, you don’t have to embrace (kill) any citizens during the game. There are four endings all of which are occur depending on your choices during the course of the game.

During my playthrough, I decided to do a pacifist run. I embraced no one, which definitely made it harder to level my character. I leveled my weapons since leveling my vampire abilities wasn’t much of an option.

There are dialogue choices when talking to characters which is both great and frustrating. If you chose wrong, you’ll lose out on a hint about the character and you can’t redo it. Once the hint is gone, it’s gone.

The combat also could have been more fluid. Battling could be tough, especially when it came to bosses. For me, the hardest boss was Geoffrey McCullum. I died many times trying to fight him. The only boss I didn’t even died once while fighting was the final one, which was surprising. The easiest boss in the whole game was the final one.

It’s a semi-open world, which I liked. I had a fun time exploring all the districts, all the houses, stores, and everything else. The constant running back and forth for missions and sidequests could be a bit repetitive though.

The game intertwines history and vampires, which I liked. I really enjoyed the story and some of the characters in the game. There are definitely citizens I wanted to badly embrace but I remained a good vampire Doctor. I really liked the main character and some of the other ones like Old Bridget. The voice acting was pretty good as well.

Despite its combat being frustrating and the hard leveling for a pacifist run, I truly loved this game. It’s one that I just wanted to keep playing. The story intrigued me. It had characters I loved and hated. And there is quite a bit to do in the game besides just the main missions.

It was fun. It was different. I kind of hope they make a sequel. And there is going to be a TV show based from this game, which I will be watching.

This game was awesome. It’s one I recommend.

Paper Mario: The Origami King

Paper Mario: The Origami King is set for release on July 17th. I love the Paper Mario series. The Thousand Year-Door is still one of my all-time favorite games.

I can’t wait for this one.

Final Fantasy 7 and Environmentalism (Also, A Review)

I’m not new to RPGs nor am I new to the Final Fantasy series.

The first Final Fantasy game I played was IX and that was more than ten years ago. To this day, it is still my favorite game in the series.

I have owned Final Fantasy 7 for many years. Only ever played a little bit of it. I have wanted to play the game for a while but honestly, the fanbase made me very hesitant.

That may offend fans of Final Fantasy 7 but it’s true. All the fans I have run into actually are upset when I say 9 is my favorite and then try to push 7 on me.

So it just made me very reluctant to play it.

Finally, though I decided to play it and I beat it a few weeks ago.

I think what surprised me about it the most is that is very, very much an environmentalist game. Most people don’t want to hear about the environment and how we or corporations affect our planet.

The fact this game is very much about just that makes me surprised that it is so loved when many people refuse to listen or argue with those who bring it to attention what it is happening to our planet.

And the story dealing with the environment isn’t a bad thing; perhaps with the remake coming out next year, it may make people conscious of what’s currently happening to our planet.

Final Fantasy 7 is over 20 years old and it still so much resonates with what’s happening to our planet. It kind of amazed me.

Besides its strong environmental theme, the story focuses on Cloud Strife and Sephiroth. While there are other characters in the game and their stories are explored, the main focus is definitely Cloud.

Cloud is a former member of SOLDIER. His story seems pretty clear and simple at first but as the game progresses, things aren’t simple as once thought and even Cloud struggles to figure out the truth.

I’d have to say my favorite character is Vincent Valentine. He is one of two optional characters. There is a quest where some of his backstory is revealed but not much. Doing the optional quest helps to understand Sephiroth’s origins more as well.

I have an original copy of the game, not the one updated with a bit better graphics. I understand why at the time people thought this game looked amazing. It was something different for the time and I think even now the cutscenes still look pretty nice. Some of the level design is still pretty impressive as well. And there is some level design that I found irritating because it blended so much and would make it hard to find where to go next.

There were some parts I found pretty funny too. When Barrett looked in the tube and saw a headless Jenova, I lost it. It was hilarious.

Barrett: “Where its f**king head?!”

And Cloud dressing up as a woman. I didn’t know that was going to happen nor did I expect it. But that part was pretty funny too. I think there is a good balance of serious and lightheartedness.

I’m glad to have finally played Final Fantasy 7. It’s a good game. I’m looking forward to seeing how the remake turns out.

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